The Technical Security Team provides security policy to secure
Army communications. This is done in three distinct, but
interrelated Army policies. First, it provides the policy to
insure the integrity of the material to secure your
communications in accordance with AR 380-40. The second part
provides security policy to direct your communication only to
the intended user in accordance with AR 380-27. The third part
provides the policy to detect when classified information is
being sent by unsecure means in accordance with AR 380-53.
Together these disciplines drive the team to successfully …….
…..provide management oversight of the security disciplines
relating to communication security (COMSEC) as it relates to the
Army’s mission, the war-fighter and the Soldier. These
disciplines include the following three technical security
fields; COMSEC, TEMPEST and COMSEC Monitoring.
…..ensure an active engagement is maintained with Army commands
so information regarding policy is passed to the lowest level of
echelons so the war-fighter is kept abreast of current policy
and the needs of tomorrow are solicited and heard by the Army’s
senior security professionals so the mission is accomplished in
an effective manner.
AR 380-27 was published 22 July 2014
FY 15 TEMPEST Training Schedule
FY 15 Command COMSEC Inspector Certification Course Schedule
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