Letter of Intent (LOI)

Based on the information provided on a background check, the adjudicator may decide to issue a Letter of Intent (LOI). The LOI is a preliminary decision to deny or revoke a security clearance due to information contained in the Statement Of Reasons (SOR). The SOR identifies exactly what was found in the applicant’s background investigation which will need to be addressed, and also provides an explanation for each issue and is referred to one or more of the adjudicative guidelines.

If a response to the SOR is received, the information is reviewed by the adjudicator, who then determines whether the response eliminates or mitigates the issues in order to grant clearance eligibility or whether to issue a letter of denial or revocation.

A Letter of Determination (LOD) is the CCF’s determination to deny or revoke clearance eligibility based on the applicant’s response/non-response to the SOR.
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