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Management Services (DAMI-ZXM)

Management Services (DAMI-ZXM) provides the support system for the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-2. DAMI-ZXM manages several important functions, such as physical space, procurement, property control and accountability, administrative support equipment, budget, training, and security. Primarily, the people in DAMI-ZXM handle all personnel actions associated with military and civilian personnel during their assignment with this organization.

Links to Support Sites New Personnel Information

Upon notification of assignment to the DCS, G-2, a sponsor will be assigned to each incoming military personnel. The sponsor will assist with in-processing, which starts at 0900 hours and should take two to three hours. The Personnel NCO can be reached at (703) 695-3735, call when you arrive in the Washington, DC area or if you have any personnel questions. The following is internet information that will assist you in your reassignment: Security presents the biggest in-processing challenge, please review your security clearance status to make sure it is current. Contact DCS, G-2 Security Manager, at 703-695-1156 concerning security requirements before arrival.

Staff Action Control
  • Provides DCS, G-2 executive communications and Staff Action Control functions.
  • Assigns, controls, and tracks suspense actions coming into the DCS, G-2 to ensure timely response to all requirements.
  • Reviews outgoing staff actions and correspondence to ensure each action is complete, correct, and properly coordinated.
  • Serves as the DCS, G-2 interface for White House, Congressional, OSD, Joint Staff, ARSTAF, and Intelligence Community staff actions.
  • Responsible for DCS, G-2 mail and message service, publications and printing control, and records and forms management.
  • Establishes policy and procedures for correspondence and publishes the DCS, G-2 Staff Action Guidelines.

Organization Chart

TODAY'S DATE:Saturday, January 18, 2025
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