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Attaché Guide General Policy (December 2014 - Current Edition)

Download full PDF version here.

This Military Attaché Guide outlines Department of the Army (DA) policy for foreign Military Attachés accredited to the United States (U.S.) Army and other representatives of foreign governments who wish to conduct official business with the U.S. Army. It is published as a service to the foreign Military Attaché community. To ensure that this publication reflects the latest data available, please inform Army Foreign Liaison of changes as they occur. Changes and corrections should be mailed to:

Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-2
Army Foreign Liaison (DAMI-FL)
1000 Army Pentagon
Washington, DC 20310-1000

Army Foreign Liaison will publish and distribute the Guide on a periodic basis. For the purposes of this Guide, the term "Military Attaché" applies to both the principal Military Attaché and the Assistant Military Attaché.

On this page you can view, download, and print the Military Attaché Guide and some associated forms.

          Accreditation Forms:
Additionally, many U.S. Service documents and forms are available at the U.S. Department of Defense internet homepage, which may be accessed using the following internet address: http://www.defense.gov/

The U.S. Army homepage may be accessed at: http://www.army.mil 

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