SF 714: Financial Disclosure Requirement

Developed to detect unexplained affluence and financial hardship, the SF 714 Financial Disclosure is a tool to assist in espionage prevention, deterrence and detection and is a critical part of Army’s comprehensive approach to address the Insider Threat.

In accordance with EO 12968 and the 11 May 2009 DoD Policy Mandate, Army is implementing the SF 714 requirement in a phased approach beginning with a small population in the Summer of 2011. The requirement applies to those with regular access to our most sensitive classified information (i.e. the identity of covert agents, technical intelligence collection systems, advanced cryptographic codes and systems, special program areas and nuclear weapons design info) and thus will only affect a small, specialized group of personnel Army-wide.

Unlike other financial disclosure forms designed to detect conflict of interest issues, analysis of the SF 714 can surface issues relating to unexplained affluence or severe financial distress, both key indicators of espionage activity. Annual Financial disclosure will help in safeguarding our classified military information by providing trend data to investigators and helping in the prosecution.
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