Policy Overview

Executive Order 12968, Access to Classified Information, 04 August 1995

Employees subject to the financial disclosure requirement must have a regular need for access to especially sensitive classified information that would reveal:
  1. The identity of covert agents
  2. Technical or specialized national intelligence collection and processing systems that, if disclosed in an unauthorized manner, would substantially negate or impair the effectiveness of the system
  3. The details of:
    1. The nature, contents, algorithm, preparation , or use of any code, cipher or cryptographic system or;
    2. The design, construction, functioning, maintenance, or repair of any cryptographic equipment; but not including information concerning the use of cryptographic equipment and services
  4. Particularly sensitive special access programs, the disclosure of which would substantially negate or impair the effectiveness of the information or activity involved (TMO Lead)
  5. Especially sensitive nuclear weapons design information
Policy Memorandum, OUSDI, 11 May 2009, Subject: DoD Implementation of Electronic SF 714 Financial Disclosure Report
  • Mandates implementation by end of 2012
  • Applies to Military, Civilians and Contractors
DISCLAIMER: The appearance of non-government information does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army
Accessibility/Section 508