Designation of SCI Responsibilities
Full list of organizations that align to the SCI Policy
Designation of Responsibilities
The Head of Intelligence Community (HICE) ---
- The head of an agency, organization, bureau, office, intelligence element or
activities within the IC, as defined in Section 3 of the National Security Act
of 1947, as amended, and Executive Order 12333, as amended and further defined
in the Intelligence Community Standard (ICS)# 2008-700-1
- "HICE of the Military Departments will administer the SCI systems for their respective Department" as outlined in DoDM 5105.21-V1
- Provide implementing instruction for their SCI security programs
- Army Regulation (AR) 380-28
- Assist DIA Director in developing and recommending SCI security policy
- Conduct a continuing review of their respective SCI security program
- Approve proposals for establishing new SCI Security Offices and SCI
facilities under their CSA
- Establish, manage, and conduct training programs
- Establish procedures to investigate security violations
- Designate Commands as their on Command SSO
The SIO must appoint a
Special Security Officer (SSO) and, if required, a
Special Security Representative (SSR), in writing.