Standards of approved methods of transmission/transportation of
classified materials can be found in AR 380-5, Chapter 8, except
for COMSEC which is covered under AR 380-40* and must meet
NSA/CSS standards. Close attention must be made as standards are
not all-encompassing as it relates to level of classification
and/or transmission to foreign government entities.
Before transmitting any classified material, the sender must
ensure that the recipient has the appropriate access
authorization or clearance, has any required programmatic or
special access approval, and meets the need-to-know
Transportation/Transmission methods include:
- Defense Courier Service
- Hand-carrying (authorized courier)
- Registered mail- Secret and below
- Fascimile
- Secure Telephone
- Electronic messaging (email)
Preparation of Material
Classified material going outside an agency must be properly
packaged. Refer to AR 380-5, Chapter 8-9 for packaging
instruction standards.
Refer to the
training tab on this
webpage for valuable training resources related to packaging