Technical Information
Defined as unclassified technical data that disclose
critical technology with military or
space application. This includes any blueprint, drawing, plan,
instruction, computer software and documentation, or other
technical information that can be used or be adapted to design,
engineer, produce, manufacture, operate, repair, overhaul, or
reproduce any military or space equipment or technology
concerning such equipment.
Critical technology is technology
consisting of:
- Arrays of design and manufacturing know-how (including technical data)
- Keystone manufacturing, inspection, and test equipment
- Keystone materials
- Goods accompanied by sophisticated operation, application, or maintenance
know-how that would make significant contribution to military potential of any
country -- or combination of countries -- and compromise of which may prove
detrimental to U.S. security
Disclosure Authority
Proponent: Army organization or
staff element that has primary responsibility for materiel or
subject matter expertise in its area of interest or charged with
accomplishment of one or more functions.
Originator: Army activity that
sponsored work that generated technical data or received
technical data for DA and therefore
has responsibility for
determining distribution of document containing such technical