• Target audience: cleared personnel with access to classified information; personnel who are not cleared for access to classified information but who may come into inadvertent contact with classified information in their normal work environment
  • What's covered: basic security roles and responsibilities, an overview of the classification system, and the penalties for disclosing classified information to unauthorized individuals
  • Information Security Initial Briefing
    • explanation of security roles and responsibilities, such as the Senior Agency Official and Agency Security Personnel
    • discussion of the elements of classifying and declassifying information, including a definition of the levels of classification, the process for declassification, and the procedures for challenging a classification status
    • Elements of safeguarding, including proper safeguarding procedures, what constitutes compromise of classified information, and the procedures for transmitting classified information.
  • Personnel Security Initial Briefing
    • include security requirements specific to their particular job
    • techniques employed by foreign intelligence activities to obtain classified information and employee responsibility for reporting those attempts
    • prohibition against disclosure of classified information to unauthorized individuals, the responsibility for continuous evaluation of one's own and others' security activities, and the penalties that may be imposed for security violations
  • Industry Initial Briefings
    • The NISPOM outlines the required topics that must be included in an initial security briefing prior to employees of a cleared contractor accessing classified information.
    • Topics covered are a threat awareness briefing, a defensive security briefing, an overview of the security classification system, employee reporting obligations and requirements, and security procedures and duties applicable to the employee's job

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